
Presentation for the President of the United States (IoT) with Secret Service constraints

Presentation for the President of the United States: Series of iPads synchronized to his golf cart ride around the factory. Especially challenging with Secret Service restrictions, power and wireless availability.

iPad Synchronization Tools & Software

Our team offers solution to sync multiple devices and monitor activities even under pressure and challenging environments.  Synchronization of data and activities across multiple devices and allowing for automated monitoring and improved visualization of what is happening outside through your gadget – the way to a better, smarter, and secured future.


Data Synchronization

Tracking and monitoring

Treatment of sensitive data

Confidential Setting

Expert in the Internet of Things (IoT)

Do you need a solution that involves high-risk and sensitive data? Do you need a workable team that you can rely albeit various security restrictions and other highly sensitive environment? Connect with our team and we will help you leverage remarkable IoT solutions for your needs.

Check out my

Other Projects

End-to-end solution for series of co-working facilities for Foxconn (similar to WeWork)


Drag and drop Facebook page manager


Verasys (IoT/HVAC) (2021’s Commercial Comfort Product of the Year)


Custom Video Search Engine and crawlers
